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Ohio Rolling Cash Skip and Hit Analysis

Ohio Rolling Cash Skip Frequency Analysis

Analyzing the last 7288 draws.

Weight Settings Summary

  • Frequency Weight: 40% — This measures how often each number has been drawn in the past. A higher percentage emphasizes “hot” numbers that appear frequently.
  • Skip Weight: 30% — This measures how many draws have passed since a number last appeared. A higher percentage emphasizes “overdue” numbers.
  • Historical Probability Weight: 30% — This measures the likelihood of a number appearing again based on its past skip patterns.

By combining these three factors into a single score, we aim to provide a data-driven prediction for the next drawing.

Top Predicted Numbers

Main Numbers:
13, 20, 3, 23, 35, 16, 4, 12, 32, 10, 21, 14, 34, 7, 28, 8, 30, 17, 2, 11

Based on the analysis of draw frequency, current skips, and historical probabilities, here are the top numbers most likely to be drawn in the next drawing. While no prediction is guaranteed, this analysis provides a statistically informed selection based on past data.

To help you understand how these numbers were selected, we've provided a detailed explanation of the methodology used in the analysis.

1. Understanding Lottery Randomness

Lottery numbers are drawn randomly, and each number has an equal chance of being selected in any draw. However, by analyzing historical data, we can identify patterns and trends that may inform our predictions.

2. Analyzing Number Frequency

We examined how often each number has been drawn historically (frequency). Numbers drawn more frequently are sometimes referred to as "hot" numbers. While past frequency doesn't guarantee future draws, it can indicate trends.

3. Evaluating Current Skips

The "skip" of a number refers to how many draws have occurred since it was last drawn. Numbers with low skips have been drawn recently ("hot"), while numbers with high skips may be "overdue" to appear.

4. Calculating Historical Probabilities

We calculated the historical probability of each number being drawn after a certain skip length. This helps us understand how likely a number is to appear based on its current skip.

5. Composite Scoring System

We combined the frequency, skip, and historical probability into a composite score for each number. The formula used is:
Score = (Frequency Weight × Frequency Score) + (Skip Weight × Skip Score) + (Historical Probability Weight × Historical Probability Score)

The weights assigned are:
- Frequency Weight: 0.4
- Skip Weight: 0.3
- Historical Probability Weight: 0.3

6. Selecting Top Numbers

Based on the composite scores, we ranked the numbers and selected the top 20 main numbers and top 5 extra (or Powerball) numbers. These are the numbers that, according to our analysis, have the highest likelihood of being drawn next.

7. Balanced Number Selection

We also ensured a balanced selection in terms of number distribution, considering factors like even/odd numbers and high/low numbers to create a well-rounded set of predictions.


By applying this systematic approach, we aim to provide you with informed predictions based on statistical analysis. Remember, while this method uses historical data to make educated guesses, lottery draws are random, and there is no guaranteed way to predict the winning numbers.

Main Numbers Skip Chart

Number Count Last Draw Skip 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
1 916 2025-01-26 9 1149997747069494731262031242625201078910536423451
2 914 2025-01-31 4 1238589698462533149383521182312119141212884254423102
3 947 2025-02-04 0 113133781007256593636292817161618172318111511678111223
4 977 2025-02-03 1 1471121039363564652383935162722111613712289762642223
5 916 2025-01-26 9 1231008971715651363437253733181614158121039562477212
6 929 2025-01-23 11 1001118384816252513633282821212318111412935434631222
7 959 2025-02-01 3 116116919165624949402432363723151414139914763361231
8 884 2025-02-01 3 1179381806554284537342236171423171918610107845541334
9 939 2025-01-25 10 1269884877657514239373728232318111751559971562211
10 929 2025-02-03 1 12793103766751603835333824271723171378795657445312
11 1042 2025-01-31 4 1441191231017376625441362326261228121678577442614331
12 978 2025-02-03 1 12410799818063555645553323131919169811951164436222
13 922 2025-02-04 0 132938977695343523042342825141713111311913107762531
14 910 2025-02-02 2 11912490666455552831263124311121121611145106488566415
15 963 2025-01-30 5 1321121011046853513736262927192018131411167811897361123
16 920 2025-02-03 1 11611297696959534430332025262114191114128116846553512
17 911 2025-02-01 3 9611189777067554736382626181713171581051110773735121
18 912 2025-01-22 12 11010484546969624544352727212720111611912410364421144
19 951 2025-01-31 4 124120778264626356413437152520171381411136646433222
20 905 2025-02-04 0 127917384765250344531282720321812812111110836572131
21 984 2025-02-02 2 13711211079726653394541312414222122912810107457322232
22 893 2025-01-23 11 117997881625354374038361823201213168611106332278364
23 949 2025-02-04 0 11311780103664560524244252118262111139141087944337221
24 948 2025-01-28 7 128112977074664948383634212111142614127138575254421
25 878 2025-01-28 7 100906883725848335146282026211414111111779615565434
26 906 2025-01-29 6 1131167685616049463738143218132210121012899458578321
27 930 2025-01-29 6 1429788777363524337272824171720201299464949372441
28 933 2025-02-01 3 11210779836477564941392926251019815121787557744122
29 984 2025-01-19 15 13611594777959535342434020192124161111131055735355112
30 945 2025-02-01 3 1181028983805756443935362922291512145119712710242211
31 924 2025-01-28 7 1281158966566445463837291525251517161611679757344144
32 950 2025-02-03 1 122100908170546244433436342823211291381388103622113
33 913 2025-01-12 22 12377949165595639453121302215201114121011118684371313
34 928 2025-02-02 2 1209989687673584255322026162418913101254865824233
35 888 2025-02-04 0 1071058265514165425147292422201412151281077410733232
36 987 2025-01-28 7 1291179883856058505025342617232216101612486546432111
37 943 2025-01-28 7 1181081037778524661403430232119141361810846784247343
38 958 2025-01-30 5 119116916472626264483037231926191712124103862453321
39 875 2025-01-11 23 127858578534337533935341921231616161686410763315622